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Book Joy!

Updated: Feb 19

We all want our students and our children to love reading. That doesn't just happen, it needs to be nurtured and developed. The "science of reading" is the newest thing in education. It pretty much means teaching kids to read by teaching them phonics. This makes a lot of sense. However, a child isn't going to learn to love reading because they know what sounds a letter makes.

Kids need to learn to love books and reading as well as how to read. Children need to see others reading and enjoying reading. They need to be surrounded by books. They need people who will talk to them about what they are reading. Kids need time to read! They need to choose the kinds of books that interest them and are motivating for them to read.

The purpose of this site and my videos are to help adults find books that will get kids reading. Reading and turning kids into book lovers is my passion. The best part of my teaching career has always been when a student has told me how much they love reading because of books I have shared with them. Please be kind. I'm new at the technology end of this.

Keep coming back. I will be linking lots of great book resources here. There will be research and reviews and me geeking out about the newest books I have found!

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